
अखिल भारतीय प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा परिषद्

Akhil Bharatiya Prakritik Chikitsa Parishad

CENY (Pravesh)

  • History of Naturopathy.
  • Health and Nature Cure.
  • Ram Nam and Nature Cure.
  • Wrong eating habit.
  • Gandhian Philosophy of Nature Cure.
  • Five Klements – Space, Air, Sun, Water, Earth.
  • Foreign Matters – Definition, Origin, Effects on body.
  • Raw Eating – Method and Importance.
  • Acute and chronic Diseases – Defmation and Clinical Features.
  • (a) Shat Karm, Yog and Pranayam (b) Asan – Katichakrasana, Tadasana. Konasana. Padamasana, Shavasana, Paschimaotanasana. Ardhmatsyenderasana, uttanpadasan, Gomukhasana, Vajarasana, Chakrasana, Pawan Muktasana, Matasyasana, Dhanurasana. Nokasana. Halasana, Bhujangasana, Tratak, Shalabhasana, Surya Namaskar and Suksham Vyayam (c) Pranayam:– Sheetali, Ujjai, Anulom – Vilom, Bhastrika, Bhramrhi. Seetkari, Suryabhedi

CNYT (Upcharak)

  • Massage : (a) Massage Manipulations (b) Speciality of Massager (c) Therapeutic uses of massage and its limitations.
  • Food Therapy : (a) Salad. Sprouts. Juices and Fruits (b) White Poison – Sugar, White Flour, Vegetable Ghee
  • Human Body :– Physiology and Anatomy
  • Health and Nature : (a) Pollution – Air, Water and Sound (b Importance of Vegetative Kingdom for Human existence. (c) III Effects of Chemicals.
  • Various Diseases and their naturopathic Treatment : Constipation, Asthma, Insomnia, Blood Pressure (High and Low), Obesity, Diabetes, Stress, Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis, Jaundice, Cold, Fever, Epistaxis, Sun, Stroke and Blood Disorder.

General Science

  • General Science (Only for non-bio Students)
  • Origin, Evolutions & Community of Life :-
  • Heredity and Variation, Introduction. Mendel’s experiments with peas and idea of factors, Mendel’s laws of inheritance Genes, packaging of hereditary material in prokaryotes-bacterial chromosome; plasmid and eukaryote chromosomes. Cell division. Cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis. Genetic material and its replication, gene manipulation. Gene expression : genetic code.
  • Origin of life, Living and non-living. Darwin’s two major contributions, common origin of living organisms and recombination as sources of variability, selection acts upon variation, adaptation (Lederberg’s replica plating experiment for indirect selection of bacterial mutants). Human chromosomes, similarity in different racial groups. Comparison with chromosomes of non-human primates in indicate common origin; Cultural is biological evolution.
  • Fundamental Knowledge of Zoology
  • Animal tissues:- epithelial, connective, muscular nerve.
  • Animal nutrition :– Organs of digestion and digestive processes, nutritional requirements of carbohydrates proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins: nutritional imbalances and deficiency diseases. Gas exchange and transport: Pulmonary gas exchange and organs involved, transport of gases in blood, structure and pumping action of heart, arterial blood pressure, lymph. Excertion and osmoregulation, aminotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism, excretion of water and utrea with special reference to man. Role of kidney in regulation of plasma, osmolsrity on the basis of nephrn structure, skin and lungs in excretion. Hormonal coordination: hormones of mammals, role of hormones as messengers, and regulators. Nervous coordination central, autonomic and peripheral nervous systems, receptors, effectors, reflex action, basic physiology of special senses integrative control by neuroendoerinal systems. Locomotion, joints, muscle movements, types of skeletal muscles according to types of movement, basic aspects of human skeleton. Reproduction, human reproduction, female reproductive cycles. Embryonic development hi mammals (upto three germ layers), Growth, repair and ageing.
  • III. Fundamental Knowledge of Botany
  • Introduction : Multicelluar way of life in plants and animals. The basic philosophy of form and function in plants and animal. Modes of nutrition transport of solutes and water in plants. Photosynthesis : Photochemical and biosynthetic phases; diversity in photosynthetic pathways. Transpiration and exchange of gases stomatal machanism, Osmoregulation in plants. Reproduction and development inplants : major forms of plant reproduction – asexual and sexual brief account of mode of sexual reproduction in multicelluar lower plans. Structure & Functions of flower, development of Male & Female gemetophytes, angeosperm, polination, fertilization and development of endosperm, polination, fertilization and development of endosperm, embroyo, seed and fruit. Differentiation and organ formation. A brief account of growth gnd movement in pants.
  • Fundamental Knowledge of Chemistry
  • Atoms, Molecules and Chemicals Arithmetic :–Chemical classification of matter (mixtures, compounds and elements and purification). Law of chemical combination and elements and purification). Law of chemical combination and Dalton’s Atomic Theory. Atomic Mass (mole concept, determination of chemical formulas). Chemical equation.
  • Elements, their Occurrence and Extraction :– Earth as a sources of elements, Elements in biology, Elements in sea.
  • Carbon and its compounds :– Elemental Carbon, Inorganic compounds of carbon (Oxides of Carbon, Halides, Carbides). Organice compounds.
  • Chemistry of Non-metals :– (Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen)
  • The Molecules of Life :– The cell, Carbohydrates (monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides). Proteins (amino acids, peptide bond, stucture of proteins).
  • Chemistry of Biological Process :– Carbohydrates and their Metabolism; Haemoglobin, blood and respiration; Immune system; Vitamins and hormones. Simple idea of chemical evolution.
  • Fundamental knowledge of Physics
  • Introduction and Measurement :– What is physics; Scope and excitement; Physics in relation to science; and technology need for measurement.
  • Laws of Motion :– Force and Intertia, first law of motion. Momentum second law of motion, Impulse, some kinds of forces in nature. Third law of motion laws of friction, rolling friction, lubrication.
  • Gravitation :– Universal law of gravitation. Intertial and gravitational mass, veri at ions in the acceleration due to gravity of the earth, orbital velocity, geostationary satellites, gravitational potential, escape velocity.
  • Waves :– Wave motion, speed of wave motion.
  • 5. Solids and Semiconductor :– Energy bands in solids, conductor, insulators and semiconductors.

DNYS-I (1st Paper)

  • Natural Hygiene & Public Health
  • Aims and basic principles of disease prevention.
  • Development of physical, Mental and Spiritual health.
  • Community sanitation ana hygiene.
  •  (a) Water Supply
  •  (b) Environmental Sanitation
  •  (c) Health laws for food
  • Personal Hygience :– Sun Bath, Colon Hygiene, Rest, Sleep, Personal Cleanliness, Hygiene of eating and drinking.
  • School Hygiene.
  • Din-Charya and Ritu-Charya
  • Health destroying habits :– Pan, Smoking, Tea, Coffee, Drinks.
  • First Aid
  • Accidental Condition
  • Stopping of Haemorrhage.
  • Type of Bandages
  • Type of Splint
  • Fracture and general management
  • Drawing
  • Duties of a medical practitioners
  • First aid in bum injury.
  • III. General Study of Pathology
  • Study of sick cells, Functions of Tissues.
  • Inflammation – cause, incubation, vascular phenomenon, Cellular respones.
  • Gangrene – Dry, Moist and Gas.
  • Repair – Regeneration promoting factors.
  • Necrosis
  • Neoplasm – Carcinogen, Difference between Benign and Malignant tumors.
  • DIGESTIVE-DISORDERS :– Peptic Ulcer, Gastritis, Constipation, Dysentery, Jaundice, Cirrhosis of Liver, Ascities, Amoebiasis and Ulcerative Colitis.
  • CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS :Rheumatic fever, congenital heart disease, Heart Failure, Varicose Veins, hypertension and Hypotension.
  • RESPIRATORY DISEASES :– Sinusitis, Asthama, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Bronchiectasis, Pneumonia and Tuberculosis.
  • ENDOCRINE DISORDERS :Diabetes, Hyper -pituitaries, Hypopitutarism, Hypo and Hyper-thyroidism

DNYS-I (2nd Paper)

  • Bones and their functions.
  • Skeletion Muscle, Cardiac Muscle, Visceral muscle arid their functions.
  • Blood Lymph and its functions.
  • Spleen and its functions.
  • Digestive System, Salivary Glands, Gastric Juice, Pancreatic Juice, Bile Juice, Absorption and Assimilation.
  • Excretory System :– Kidney and their function, skin.
  • Respiratory System :– Respiration, Carriage of Oxygen into blood.
  • Central Nervous System :– Brain and its functions, Nerves and their functions, Autonomous Nerves & their function.
  • Circulatory System :– Heart and its functions, pulmonary circulation, portal system.
  • Special senses and their functions :– Eye, Ear, Nose, Skin & Tongue.
  • Endocrines :– Functions of Pituitary, Thyroid. Thymus, Pancreas, Adrenal and Gonads.
  • Anatomy
  • Structure of cell, tissues of the body.
  • Bones and their relationship with parts of body.
  • Muscules of legs, hands, trunk, face and eyes.
  • Important joints.
  • The digestive System :– Mouth, Oesophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large intestine, Rectum, Liver, Pancreas.
  • The Reproductive System :– Male and Female reproductive organs.
  • Respiratory System :– Nose, Pharynx, Trachea, Lungs.
  • Circulatory System :– Heart, Blood Vessels and Lymphatic system.
  • The Nervous System :– Autonomous Nervous system, Brain, Spinal cord, Cranial Nerves.
  • Special Sense organs :– Tongue, Nose, Eye, Ear and Skin.
  • Endocrine System :– The pineal gland, The pituitary gland, Thymus, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal gland, Pancreas and Gonads.
  • The Excretory System :– Kidney, Ureter, Urinary Bladder, Urethra, Skin.

DNYS-II (1st Paper)

  • Philosophy of Nature Cure
  • The Principal of Nature Cure
  • Gandhian Philosophy of Nature.
  • Panchtantra and laws of Nature.
  • Method of Nature of preservation and importance, general health, fasting. Natural diet, Exercise, Regular habits, Rest and Relaxation hunger etc.
  • How to acquire natural immunity to diseases.
  • Healing Crisis and Disease Crisis.
  • Toxins and anti toxins and their elimination.
  • Suppression of disease and its consquences.
  • The importance of right mental attitude.
  • Vaccination and their ill effects.
  • Science of Facial Expression
  • Foreign matter theory-Definition and formation of foreign matter.
  • Accumulation of foreign matter, liquids and solids, dry and gaseous form.
  • Bad habits and accumlation of foreign matter.
  • Encumbrances – types and characters.
  • Elimination of foreign matter and how tp increase the vitality.

DNYS-II (2nd Paper)

  • Nature Cure Methods & Practice
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Physical Properties of Water.
  • Principals of Hydrotherapy.
  • Physiological effects of water applications respiration, Digestion, Action and Reaction.
  • Classification of Hydrotherapy Prescriptions (a) Primary effects. (b) Excitant effects
  • Internal Excitation
  • Secondary excitant effects. (a)  Restorative effects. (b)  Tonic effects. (c)   Expectorant effects. (d)  Resultive and Derivative effects.
  • General and local sedative effects.
  • The technique of Hydrotherapy : (a) Water drinking  (b) Effusions (c) Irrigation-irrigation of nose, stomatch, colon and recium. (d) Douches, Scotch douche, spinal Douche, Alternate Douche. (e) PACKS-Chest packs, Trunk packs, Partic packs. T. Packs, Leg Packs, Local Packs, Full Wet sheet packs. (f) BATHS – Hip Bath, Spinal Bath, Sitz Bath, Foot Bath, Imersion Baths. (g) Vapour Baths, Steam Bath and Air Baths, Ice treatments.
  • Mud Therapy
  • Types of Mud.
  • Collection and Properties of mud.
  • Mud Poultice.
  • General and local mud applications.
  • The physiological and pathological effects and contraindications.
  • III. Chromo Therapy
  • Types of colours-primary & secondary.
  • Chromophyllosphy.
  • Chromo hygiene.
  • Limitations of Chromo therapy.
  • Physiological use of Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Infra-Red and Ultra-Violet.
  • Charging of Air, Water, Oils, Foodstuffs, Glycerin, Vaseline, Raw Sugar, Milk, Rose-water etc.

DNYS-III (1st Paper)

  •  Yoga
  • Yoga – Definition, Concepts, Aims and objectives.
  • Different types of Yoga: Raj Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hath Yoga, Gyan Yoga, Laya Yoga, Karma Yoga, Tantra Yoga.
  • Philosphy of Yoga-Yog Sutra, including 8 steps of Yoga (Astang Yoga).
  • Effects of various Yoga Asans of different systems.
  • Circulation effects of Asanas, Pranayam, Mudras, Bandhas & Kriyas.
  • Difference between Yogic and non-Yogic exercises.
  • Yoga and Mental Health.
  • Surya – N amaskar.
  • Mediation
  • Fasting
  • Definition
  • Difference between fasting and starvation.
  • Types of fast, short fast, intermittent fast, long fast.
  • Physological Effects of fasts.
  • Treatments during fast.
  • How to start fast, how to continue and how to break fast.
  • Crisis during the fast and its treatment.
  • Methods of fasting – Complete fast, Partial Fast, Water Fast, Juice Fast, Saline Fast, Fruit Fast, Mono-diet fast.
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Classification of food and drinks.
  • Deficiency diseases.
  • Artifical foods and their ill-effects.
  • Acidic and Alkaline foods.
  • Digestion, Absorption and Assimilation.
  • Customs and manners of eating.
  • Combination of foods.
  • Value of foods, in raw state, germinated form and cooked form.
  • What to eat, how to eat and how much to eat.  v
  • Nutrition and its Importance.
  • Nutrition and natural resistance to infection.
  • Blanced Diet.
  • Manipulative Treatments.
  • Theory of massage.
  • Therapeutic use of massage.
  • Physiological effects of massage-upon skin, muscular system, Circulatory system, gestlve system and nervous system.
  • Massage Manipulations : Hacking, Stroking, Percussion, Pertrispanage, Friction, Tapotment, Vabration and Shaking.
  • Points of Acu-Pressure and their manipulation methods, uses and limitatyions.

DNYS-III (2nd Paper)

  • Management of Diseases, Clinics and Hospitals.
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Anatomy and physiology of genital organs.
  • Ovarian and Uterine – cycles.
  • Disorders of menstruation.
  • Common diseases and Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD’s)
  • Physiology of Pregnancy.
  • Development of Embryo and Placenta.
  • Normal and abnormal labour.
  • Antenatal and Postnatal Care.
  • Care of Mother and new born.
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